Thursday, 21 January 2021

Sora - Now Available on your GNSPES launch page.


Sora is here!  Click on your drive in your GNSPES launch page and then click on the waffle icon in the top right corner of your GNSPES launch page.  Simply scroll down in the list that comes up and you will see the icon for Sora.  

Click on the Sora icon and you can begin using the app for free audiobooks and ebooks.
Be sure to add your public library and have access to even more titles!  Don't have a public library card? Check out this link on how to get one today! 

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

January 2021 - New Year, New Books!

 Be sure to stop by the NNEC library - on your break or during lunch - we have many new books - fiction and non fiction so have a look!  Or check out the NNEC virtual library in Google Classroom - class code an4lt7t - and join today to find out what is happening in the library!

Winter Books

All library books can be borrowed over the holidays and will be due back when you return from break. Pick up a great read from the library f...